Wind Trails.

I will always keep you within.

Two more weeks to my form six first term exam,the worst is,most of us can't catch up with our studies,perhaps our class played too much.:D Well,had been leaving my blog idle for quite some time,one simple reason,lazy.Yeah.and the gina vampirees asked me to update already!LOL.

Kay..basically,on the 11th of August I joined as a volunteer for the HIllsong UNITE+CONQUER conference at Syuen Hotel,although those 2 days were super tiring and ultra busy,but it was super duper AWESOME.I mean in every aspect of it,the seminar for worship and creative arts,and youth leadership and management,although i attended one only,but heard most people said the other one was indeed magnificent.As for the night concert,there were a lot of people,really praise God,and many souls were saved that day.:) It lasts for 2 nights and i was like PHEW...cause my time was like so packed,until i even have to postpone or cancel my tuition,but I'm glad everything's back to normal now.

As for now,exam is coming at first of september until third ,and i will be having my music theory exam on the sixth which is three days ahead,so now i'm currently in 'dehydration' status,it's like i kept asking myself for thousand times why i have to sit so many exams in one shot.@.@ Oh well..have to start studying now,dragged until now due to procrastination which is deadly.And! sixth form night is coming soon,most probably will be after the final term exam around November,but most of the classes had came out with weird ideas but ours the most extraordinary thanks to Veroy lols,his funky cracky brain.I could say,60% of our classmates commit to it and the other 40%?Passenger!Sigh...dah biasa la..what to do..its not good to force people to do stuff which they refuse to.No offence.

Tomorrow morning we will be having our first chemistry PEKA,which is really slow,Celine had done quite a lot,which amazed me that her school is so freaking fast,and our school slacked behind a lot.And also we have to submit our MUET research by this Wednesday and yet,we still left about 30% of the work,gosh gosh gosh,i to complete chapter five which is the interview part in one day!Just leave it to God...sigh..alright super tired after whining and complaining stuffs about my life,'s been quite dull recently...daily routine is the same and it freaks me from the inside out I wish that would be one special day within these few days.=\

Alright,guess i have to get a good night rest.Adios peeps!:-)