Wind Trails.

I will always keep you within.

yare yare~~ finally im's sure tiring to go back to school..haizz.Well,yesterday was like a total vacation to me,I missed school and I skipped tuition.haha..don't think i'm bad k?=) Just not feeling well yesterday,and worst still I lost my Identification SIGH!

Came to think of it,it's been a few days since the last time I blog,hmm..well last thursday was my last night with anna and simone ok..hmm..well..wish both of you get used to the life in aussie fast lols and good luck,ok next..friday..went to guitar class,surely enjoy it,my teacher said I'd improved a lot!Yay!!(^^)V next..saturday..argh..I mengamuk whole day due to "boring-ness" so in the end Jovan,me and Ansen managed to hang out at night.So 3 of us went lepak at parade for awhile then we sambil chat sambil jalan to greentown,da gei there for about 1 hour,then aunty christine came and fetch us home.Ok this is the funny part,the moment I open my house's main gate,jovan and ansen stepped in..and then there goes my dog,rushing to chase ansen ONLY,LOLS even jovan in front of her she also dunwan to chase,she only chase ansen for bout 3 rounds..including the drifting and other at last my mum came to rescue..haha XP ok thats for the night,ansen was like felt so horrible,terrible and vegetable cause that day was his birthday..

Ok and the next day...I have tuition in the morning untill 12.30pm so then 1pm jovan came my house,and we waited about 1 hour for ansen,and then we headed off to jusco,cause it's his birthday what..gotta celebrate riteess?yea..only 3 of us..sigh..sad..our lunch at Jusco was in..Coffee Bean!ISHZZ...spend RM63.03 there!!WALAO,3 cups of sunrise,2 slice of cheese cake and a muffin..and it's so expensive..haizz..totally cut my wallet...anyway we enjoy our day there =)

hmm think i will stop here..gotta do homework and assignments..sigh...chaoz-